On Black Friday hundreds and thousands of people waited in lines for hours just trying to find the perfect gift at the perfect price. We strategized to determine which stores had the best bargains and the best products. We planned out where we were going to shop first and which items we were going to buy. We did all of this to find those few perfect presents for our loved ones or ourselves.
And yet, in the midst all of the uproar of the holiday season, many believers and nonbelievers have yet to take hold of one of the best gifts of all. A perfect fit for any size person. It matches every color ever imagined. And it is so precious that it is priceless.
I submit to you that Christmas for the believer did not come at the birth of Christ. It came at the point of HIS resurrection from death. Because in that singular moment, God the Father demonstrated the real Christmas spirit and gave use one of the greatest gifts of all, GRACE!
And the unfortunate surprise is that many believers have yet to tear the wrapper off of this marvelous gift called grace. For many of us, it remains under the Christmas tree of our lives, an ignored, unappreciated, unacknowledged, unopened, gift. However, the great thing for the believer is that Christmas doesn’t come once a year, IT’S EVERYDAY!!! No matter how old you are or how long you’ve been saved, you can go right into “big kid mode” and tear the wrapper off of the gift of grace that has been extended into your life by our Heavenly Father. Today, even now, you can begin to walk in the new reality of a life under grace.
The Reality of Redemption
When you begin to let grace work in your life, old things begin to pass away. Old habits! Old attitudes! Old ways of thinking! You’ll look around and you won’t even recognize yourself anymore. That is the reality of a redeemed Christian under grace.
The Reality of Resurrection
People who live their lives under grace do not fear death, nor should they. Because they realize that it is only a necessary stepping-stone into an even greater life. An eternal life.
The Reality of Regeneration
When you let the grace of God have its way in your life, God will not only change you, He’ll completely rewrite you!! First the “GRACE ERASER” will rub out everything that’s not like Him. Then He’ll begin rewriting your story with pen of regeneration filled with the ink of the Savior’s blood.
Embrace tHIS Grace!
My friends, as we move forward into this holiday season. I challenge you to “Embrace tHIS Grace” in your life. Don’t leave the gift of grace unopened for another year. Because when you finally do open it up, you’re in for some big surprises!!! When you embrace tHIS grace in your life, it thrusts you into a new reality where you are bigger on the inside than you are on the outside. You gain access to a universal, all encompassing benefit package that’s loaded with more than you could ever ask for, think about, or imagine. It’s better than life insurance! Why? Because God already knows about your preexisting conditions, and He won’t penalize you for them. Finally, your position in grace will change your position in life. I challenge you, in this holiday season, “Embrace tHIS Grace!”
Be blessed and Think on These Things….
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