23 Oct The G Factor
How can I describe God’s grace? Perhaps, the simplest way to describe grace is to say that it is the very breath of Father flowing through each and every believer for the sake of redemption, rejuvenation, and reunification with Him. It gives us purpose. It gives us strength. It gives us security.
And regrettably, while being one of the most precious of our Father’s gifts, it is probably the most misunderstood.
God loved us so much that He allowed His son’s shed blood to cover every fault, every sin, every bad decision, every mistake, every curse, every lie, every-THING that we would ever do in the past, present, or future.
And when I say, “cover”, God didn’t just take our sins and lock them away to throw up in our faces later. He didn’t just write them down somewhere so He could punish us for them later. No sir, no ma’am!
When God looks at believers covered under His son Jesus’ blood, He sees us as we were meant to be. He looks at us as if we never sinned AT ALL.
So there’s no need for Him to punish us. There’s no need for Him to be displeased with us. There’s no need for Him to withhold His favor from us.
Why? Because, through the blood of Jesus, it’s like we never did anything wrong in the first place. That’s grace!
Imagine that! All powerful, all mighty, God, making a conscious decision to cover up and blot out from His own memory, every bad thing you’ve ever done, said, or thought, just so He could love you with an everlasting love.
I know for many of you, this contradicts everything you’ve ever been taught about God and the way He loves you.
So many of us have been made to believe that God is this angry man sitting up in Heaven somewhere just waiting to rain down His fury and wrath on us at any given moment.
It’s hard to imagine how a perfect God could love such imperfect people. But He absolutely does LOVE US.
In fact, He’s madly in love with us. He’s so in love with His children that He spends every day in eternity planning out ways to bless and prosper us. And even that is hard to believe.
Trust me, I’VE BEEN THERE.
By now you’re probably saying to yourself, “But what did I do to deserve such love? What did I do to deserve such favor?” The fact of the matter is you don’t deserve it. But God chooses to give it to you freely anyway. That, my friends, is grace. And it is by His grace that we are saved, secured, and sure of our right standing with God.
Think on these things until next time…
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