The Key To The Door of Success

The Key To The Door of Success

The body of Christ at large seems to have forgotten the true meaning of sacrifice. It seems that while professing to follow Christ, we have somehow disconnected with what that truly means. It seems that we have disconnected from the gruesome brutality, which was Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. How is it that we expect to be Christians but we don’t expect to be called upon to sacrifice? The Father gave His Son, the Son gave His life. What is God calling upon each and every one of us to give?

The first thing that must be understood is that sacrifice is not convenient. It is not comfortable. And it certainly is not cheap. In fact, sacrifice in its purest sense is costly, uncomfortable, inconvenient, and sometimes painful. And yet it would seem that we as a body of believers have been lulled and pacified into believing that to live for Christ “doesn’t take all of that”. That success in this present age can be ours without sacrifice.

On the contrary, the key to success lies within a person’s willingness to sacrifice, specifically what we are willing to sacrifice for the cause of Christ. Oh yes, we sacrifice. We give our time, our talents, our money, our loyalty, and our commitment to those things that are important to us. But the question begs to be answered, what’s important to us? Most assuredly, whatever is taking up your time, your talent, your treasures, your commitment, and your thought life, this is your god. This is who you’ve been sacrificing to.

Take a moment, ask yourself… God still my god? Or has some other person, object, lifestyle, or habit taken His place in my life.

My friends if you find that you’ve been sacrificing your time, your talent, your treasures, or any part of who you are to a false god, know this, there’s no time like the present to get back to God’s house and bring your sacrifices back to where they truly belong.

ALL of us can sacrifice something. But only Christ sacrificed ALL.

Think on these things.

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